Thursday, April 17, 2008

Week 8 - cyber-notice-boards

colored confusion
Originally uploaded by angora frog

AHH finally a week that I already know about the subject! I have used Yahoo Answers before, and find it a HUGE timewaster! People post the strangest questions (and answers), but if they feel comfortable to do anonymously, why not use it.

I think it's really important that the librarians are out there slamming the boards, ensuring that the craft and skill of librarianship is not lost in this age of access to all kinds in (mis)information. Could be good for the "shy" librarian to answer inquiries in this manner and not get embarrassed by the content!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rainbow Books

Rainbow Books
Originally uploaded by bluemarla

This week's topic was quite interesting. I can see that using social bookmarking would be something I would be much more likely to use this type of tool at work, than other tools we've been learning about, eg RSS feeds.

I like the idea of using in our library service. Many staff circulate around the branches and using a tool like this would enable everyone to share websites they find useful in their work.
I didn't really like Technorati too much, very busy page, and I don't think I'd use it too much. Library Thing is really interesting. I would use this tool as a way of finding other authors I might like to read, perhaps to recommend new authors to patrons as well.

I really loved the line on Library Thing that said "If the buzz page doesn't convince you, you cannot be convinced. Go away" LOL Don't you just feel like saying something like that to difficult patrons occasionally??!!!

This picture I found on Flickr - I'm considering using this as a suggestion to carry out for my performance appraisal. Hey, we might not be able to find anything in the library, but it sure would look pretty!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Week 6

Well, after looking at YouTube this week - realised how many vouyeristic and exhibitionist people are out there on the big bad world wide web. Tried just to look for a simple video on the subject of monkeys, seeing that I am, after all, the monkey boys mum. But! What sort of sick people want to upload videos like this????

Too busy to even attempt embedding a video this week - may come back to it later and give it a go.

Using this in the library world? Perhaps this could be a useful tool for demonstrating safe work practices in branches. Just a thought!