Thursday, May 8, 2008

The last week - number 12

Well here we are at the end of the program. The social networking stuff this week was one of the easiest for me, as I already use this. Interesting to see how many library contacts there are on these types of networks.

I have really enjoyed this program, although have found it hard to keep up on a weekly basis, it's been great to be selfpaced and be able to catch up on other weeks.

Thanks all, look forward to more training like this in the future!

Week 11

Online applications and tools. This week was really interesting, and I think this would be one of the more useful tools to use within the library. It could be used for any brochures, newsletters, procedures etc that need to be created and collaborated on. Using Google docs could be really useful for part-time staff, or staff at various locations within the library service.

I am also involved in a community group, who recently published a directory that needed to have input and info from people from a wide geographical range. The amount of emails that were flying around, and the amount of editing needed for this directory was overwhelming. Using Google docs will definitely be the way to go next time!

Mashups part 2

Well I managed to get back to mashups straight away, and created a magazine cover. Was hard to get the the colours right (and obviously they aren't quite!) - but that was fun. Now this would be great to use for library newsletters!


Running out of time with this program now. I learnt all about mashups and even created a Warholizer image of my photo, but alas I can't seem to upload it to this blog. perhaps another time when I am not trying to finish this on a deadline!!

I guess using the map for local studies or even branch locations could be useful within the library. Perhaps I might search around for other uses of mashups in the library at a later date....

stay tuned!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I have used podcasts before through a community group I am involved with. It's a great way for members of our wider Australian group to "attend" seminars and conferences with the same opportunity as other members.

This could be an effective way to present seminars (or even bookclubs!) within the library. I have seen in our library service with a wide geographic area that not all members are able to go to outlying branches for seminars, or they work/have other committments on the times we have seminars and talks on. So we could provide the seminar on podcast for members to access at any branch (or home) at a convenient time to them.