Friday, March 14, 2008

Wikis rule

Wikis seem like a great collaborative tool. I really like the idea of using wikis to co-ordinate library projects - without the need for endless staff meetings!

From a local studies point of view, this could be great for people to add photos and information about family members, suburbs etc

Wookiepedia was great - shows how much time some people spend on this sort of stuff, and how valuable (I guess) it is to their lives.

Lee LeFever is my new hero - I wish he could train me in all aspects of my life. It just all makes so much sense after watching his YouTube videos. "The old way BOOOO, the new way YAAYY!"

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Yesterdays news

Newspaper article
Originally uploaded by mezzoblue

When I first saw this week's topic title, I thought RSS what??? It sounded so technical and beyond me, but watching the YouTube video about it made it all make sense. I really like the guy on that, his videos are like watching an episode of "Library 2.0 for Dummies" (just what I need!)
Perhaps RSS feeds will be the way of the future, and printing thousands of newspapers will help save paper wastage. I like that idea...
I selected some newsy type blogs, as well as entertainment and a girls talk blog. Hopefully I will have the time to actually read the posts now. Using RSS readers could be helpful in the library situation for reference material that may get outdated quickly ie legal texts. Or even just looking at blogs like Dymocks bestseller lists.


Originally uploaded by davesmithau

This is South Curly beach in Sydney, where I learnt to swim as a child and spent a lot of time playing there. It was great to be able to look at photos of where I grew up, and where I live now. There are so many photos available on Flickr to look at - could spend hours and hours trawling through them, but not enough time in the day!

Was a bit frustrated trying to get the photo onto my blog, but once I set up a Flickr account, it all became much easier to do. I think the 15mins per day estimate for this program may have been a bit optimistic! So many of us that work part time are finding it hard to fit this training into our day. Having said that, it's so interesting and valuable to my life and work that I will definitely be continuing each week!